Saturday, April 28, 2012

After-Church Conversation with Mrs. Star

Mrs. Star:  How's school?
Me:  Good.
Mrs. Star:  Less than two months left!
Me:  Yeah.
Mrs. StarWhere you goin' this summer?
Me:  Korea.
Mrs. StarWhat??  Mission trip?
Me:  No---yes.
Mrs. StarWhat are you going to be doing?
Me:  Teaching English at a language school.
Mrs. StarYou know any Korean?
Me:  Yeah, I'm learning.  I'm nowhere near fluent, but I know the basics. 
Mrs. StarWhat did your parents say?
Me:  My mother's fine with it, but I haven't told my father yet because he worries every time I travel.  He feels that if I'm far away, he can't help me if something happens. 
Mrs. StarAww, he's just being protective of his baby girl.  So when are you going to tell him, from the airport?
Me:  Probably next week, in person.

Mrs. StarIf you frame it right, it will go down easier.  You going with people you know or you know somebody who's already there?
Me:  No.
Mrs. StarGirl, you're too grown!  Where are you going to be, Seoul?  My brother was stationed there and he liked it a lot.  He said everything's cheap and the people are friendly. 
Me:  For one week's training, yes.  After that they'll send me where they need me.
Mrs. StarSee, now, I don't know how I'd feel about that.  I'd like to have a choice of where I'm going.
Me:  Most of the schools are in major cities with a few in the countryside.  Either way, I don't mind where they place me.
Mrs. StarOh, then it's all good.  Maybe you'll bring back a Korean husband.
Me:  I don't know about that... 
Mrs. StarThere's some tall Koreans out there.  Don't sleep!  When I was at University of Maryland there was this guy on the lacrosse team who was FINE!  All swolle and buff.  I was like, "The Koreans I know back in New York look nothing like this!"  And he had swag, too. Don't tell me you wouldn't give somebody like that a chance just because he's Asian.
Me:  It's not that, it's just that I have to be realistic about the cultural differences.
Mrs. StarYou're right about that.  But you never know...

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