Thursday, April 26, 2012

Better Than Finding a Ten Dollar Bill in My Jacket Pocket

A couple weeks ago I made a list of all the major expenditures (laptop, airplane tickets, CELTA certification course, first month's living expenses, etc.) I had to make in preparation for my move and became a bit worried that money was getting uncomfortably tight.  Then this week I checked my credit union account and realized I'd made several deposits over a year ago that I'd forgotten about and the balance was much higher than I remembered. Yay!  There's a lot to be said for having a savings account in a separate bank from the accounts that you use on a regular basis.

Yesterday I went to the Korean embassy to apply for my visa.  It was a fairly quick process and the line was short.  Filled out the form, provided my signed contract, passport and $45.  I'm supposed to pick up my passport tomorrow.  I got to the embassy a bit later than expected because I kept stopping on the walk from the subway to admire and photograph the colorful flowers adorning most buildings on embassy row.  The riot of color that occurs this time of year is one of the reasons why I love spring. 

Here are some of the photos I took:
I don't know the names of any of these flowers,
but I do recognize their beauty.
The Costa Rican embassy was next door to the Korean embassy.
The yellow ones are butter cups.

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