Monday, May 25, 2020

Influenza Panic

Last week Satoshi, an eighth grader, and Takahashi-sensei, the math teacher, had the flu.  Now Tomoya, another eighth grader has it.  The staff are in such a panic, you’d think it was tuberculosis or something.  Everyone is wearing masks and spraying rubbing alcohol on students’ hands before lunch.  There was even talk of postponing the afternoon’s Uta-garuta poetry card competition.  Back in October, when everyone (students and staff) lined up to get free flu shots, they thought I was odd for opting out.  Now I think they’re odd for not having any faith in the shots they received. 

While everyone is strapping on masks with religious fervor, handwashing has not increased or improved.  The only two people who regularly and thoroughly wash their hands are the custodian and nurse.  Everyone else just wets their fingers for 2.6 seconds and ignores the soap. 

January 2019

It’s funny and ironic to read this. Who knew that a year later the world would be seized by something much worse than influenza? 

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