Monday, May 25, 2020

Japanese Phrases I Can’t Stand

shoganai (it can’t be helped, that’s the way it is) – often an indicator of lack of initiative, not wanting to think outside of the Japanese box and do creative problem-solving. 

mendokusai (it’s bothersome; such a pain, too much trouble) – when they’re forced to do something out of the ordinary, like treat people like individuals and not clones who think and behave exactly the same.  Dealing with anyone who’s different and requires accommodations such as those who are disabled, foreign, special education, vegetarian, people with food allergies is mendokusai.

tabun (maybe) – Getting a straightforward answer is often like pulling teeth.  If you make a statement and turn out to be mistaken, nobody is going to sue you.  Just say, “Sorry, I told you the wrong thing.  The Correct thing is _____.” But no, the way Japanese culture is set up does not allow for that.  Which explains why I was perplexed by how hesitantly people often spoke in Japanese! They’re trying to choose the exact right words.  It’s this quest for perfection that gets in the way of spontaneity, creativity and just plain communication. 


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