Monday, June 1, 2020

Korean Women Who Marry Foreigners

The following list is based on my observations over the years.  It’s not an exhaustive list, so there are probably other reasons that I’ve missed.  Some of these also apply to Japanese women who marry foreigners (especially items 1-3).

1. Women who fall in love (Ah, l’amour!).

2. Women who are considered over the hill (age 30+).

3. Women who are divorced (“damaged goods”).

4. Women who want pretty babies with big eyes and more European/less Asian features (shallow self-haters).*

5. Women who want to seem worldly and chic by having a foreign spouse.  

6. Women who aren’t considered pretty according to Korea’s narrow beauty standards.

7. Women who want to get away from the pressures and sexism of Korean society.

8. Women who don’t want to be stuck with a demanding mother-in-law.

9. Women who are in some way different, and therefore unattractive, to prospective mates and their families (including, but not limited to socio-economic background).

10. Women who …

*The irony of Number 4 is that Koreans with albinism are often bullied and othered for having the very features (fair skin, blond hair, light eyes) that are so admired in Europeans.

Foreign Men Who Marry Asian Women

1.  Men who fall in love (Ah, l’amour!).

2.  Men who want a docile, submissive wife (weak-ass jokers).   

3.  Short men or those who like to tower over their partner.

4.  Black men who want babies with mixed features (shallow self-haters).

5.  Men who want to show off and seem manly by having an exotic spouse.

6.  Men who aren’t considered attractive in their home countries.

7.  White men who revel in Asia’s white worship, and want to reap all the benefits that come with the privilege it affords (assholes).

8.  Weirdos who fetishize Asian women based on the copious amounts of Japanese porn they’ve consumed (losers).

9.  Socially inept men with no game back home.   

10.  Lonely or stupid military men who get trapped. 

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