Thursday, June 11, 2020

Broken Tooth and Village People

Broke a molar last week while eating nori.  Nori.  Went to my dentist in Gunma.  He repaired it in less than 30 minutes and it cost me ¥2070.  Since it wasn’t too far from where I used to live, I hopped on the electric blue village van for a quick visit. Four of my former students were on there:  Hakura, Ririko, Yoshinosuke and Rin.  Was so happy to see them.  They’re tenth and twelfth graders now!  We chatted a bit, then I let them get back to their video games and music. 

On the ride up the mountain the sky opened up in a sudden thunderstorm.  Up until then, the day had been bright, hot and humid.  The forecast hadn’t even said there’d be rain.  But then, the mountain seems to have its own weather system.  A few minutes after arriving at the village, it became a light drizzle.  As I walked down the hill from the gas station, a woman jumped out of a white pick-up truck, ran across the street and held a burgundy colored umbrella at me.  “Please take it.”  I was surprised, but then not.  This is how people are in the village.  I miss that.   

June 10, 2020

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