Tuesday, March 31, 2020


Today was my first day teaching at School B since we returned from winter break. At the beginning of class I always ask the students questions as I write the date on the chalkboard. Yuna was super-eager to let me know what year it was. 

Me: Good morning, boys and girls!
Students: Good morning, Ms Guaria!
Me: Happy new year!
Students: Happy new year!
Me: What day is today?
Yuna: 2020!
Me: What DAY? Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday…
Other students: Tuesday!
Me: Let’s spell it together.
Students: T-U-E-S-D-A-Y!
Me: What is today’s date?
Yuna: 2020!
Me: As in January, February, March…
Other students: January!
Me: Let’s spell it together.
Students: J-A-N-U-A-R-Y!
Me: January what?
Yuna: 2020!
Me: Not yet!
Other students: 14th!
Me: Thank you! What year is it?
Me: Now’s your chance, Yuna!
Yuna: 2020!!! [shouting and jumping up and down]
Thank you, Yuna. What’s today’s weather?
Yuna: 2020!
[I point out the window.]
Other students: Sunny!

Gotta love this kid’s exuberance.  

January 14, 2020 

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