Monday, March 30, 2020

“Kozue loves Guaria-sensei”

After work today I stopped at the Michi no Eki to buy buttery herb rolls. I didn’t really need any bread, but I wanted to use the free WiFi. After the cashier handed me the receipt, she said in Japanese “I am Kozue’s mother.” I was surprised because her creased face and salt-and-pepper hair made her look older than my other students’ mothers, but I was thrilled to meet the parent of one of my brightest students. So I bowed and told her it was a pleasure to meet her. I also told her that Kozue is very smart and kind. She covered her smile and thanked me. Then she said, “Kozue loves Lindo-sensei.” Unexpectedly, tears sprung to my eyes. I tried hard to blink them back. She said a few more things that I didn’t understand. We bowed, smiled and exchanged parting pleasantries. I sat in the empty dining area perplexed by my tears. Was my period coming? No, it had just passed, so it wasn’t hormones. Then I remembered, that I’d gone to bed late last night, so it was probably the lack of sleep. At any rate, it was so nice to hear her say that. When we get into the routine of the daily grind, it does the heart good to hear an encouraging word. 

April 17, 2019

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