Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The Olympic Games & COVID-19

The COVID-19 situation here is not as alarming as China’s or South Korea’s, but the word on the street is that the government has been underreporting cases because they’re afraid that the real numbers will cause the 2020 Olympics to be moved away from Japan. Yeah, let’s lie about the current health crisis and potentially put thousands of world-class athletes at risk. 

Meanwhile, unfounded internet rumours have sent people into panic buying toilet paper and sanitary napkins causing shortages at some area stores. Also, we’re dealing with a respiratory disease, why are they preparing for diarrhea? My Black girlfriends are like “They need to be panic buying SOAP. And USE it!” I totally agree. They act like they’re allergic to soap and water, but expect a little face mask to work miracles. 

Why did this have to be the year I finally broke down and taught elementary? Love the little kids, but they’re a germy bunch. And they love to touch me. It’s difficult to reject their little affections.

February 29, 2020 

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