Monday, March 30, 2020

Sorry, I'm not from Kenya

While walking around my Korean town a silver van pulled up next to me and a woman in the passenger side waved at me trying to get my attention. I almost ignored her because I thought she might belong to one of those cults (World Mission Society Church of God & Manam/Shinchonji) that had tried to recruit me last year. I thought better of it and guardedly slowed my pace to see what she wanted. The following exchange came next:

Excuse me! Excuse me! How did you come here?
Are you teacher?
At primary school or middle school?
At the English village.
Where are you from?
The U.S.
Oh…the U.S….[sounding disappointed]…not East Africa?
I lived in Kenya and it make me happy to see your face!
Have a nice day! (waving and bowing)
Thank you! (waving and bowing)
See you again!
[van drove away]
I was tickled. 

December 24, 2013

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