Monday, March 30, 2020

Sometimes, if patient, you get to witness your antagonist hang herself with a rope of her own making.

My roommate, the filthiest, laziest woman I have ever had the misfortune of sharing an apartment with, has created a hostile, squalid environment of our shared spaces.

She’s half-white, but was raised in Japan by her white mother. Subsequently, she embraces the worst character traits of women of both cultures (i.e. Japanese passive aggressiveness and white victimhood).

She’s been complaining and lying about me for months to our Japanese employer because she speaks fluent Japanese (the employer’s English ability is limited and so is my Japanese). Meanwhile, unsure what to do, I’ve been praying and photographing every hairy, trashy, bloody, shitty mess she leaves behind. She’s non-confrontational, so most of our interactions have been by text message, which is great for documentation.

She’s banking on the black-women-are-scary-and-violent stereotype. There are also some ageist undertones because she’s in her 20s and I’m in my 40s.

Also, she demanded that I pay 2/3 of the utility bills because she doesn’t sleep here on Saturdays and Sundays.  [Math is obviously not her forte because 2/7 ≠ 2/3.]

Finally, sick of the roommate’s constant complaining, our employer decided to send her secretary who speaks fluent English, to get my side of the story. So, armed with my photos and all our text messages, I let her have it with luxury of detail. The secretary reported everything back to our employer, who then sent me a sympathetic message saying that I most definitely need my own apartment and would speak to the Board of Education.

For whatever reasons, this silly heifer was emboldened by the delusional idea that she was clever. Well, now her job’s in danger. I can’t even gloat. I’m just exhausted from dealing with her all these months.

“Más sabe el diablo por viejo que por diablo,” is a Spanish proverb that translates to: The devil is wise, not because he’s the devil, but because he has lived long.  Not calling myself an old devil, but I’ve been around the block a few times, and any youngster who thinks she’s going to get over on me is in for a big surprise.

By the way, this is a DIGEST. There is so much more to this sordid story.

I must add that I really like my job, get on well with my co-workers and love my students. The one fly in the ointment is my living situation and the superintendent whose brilliant idea it was to put us together. 

May 11, 2018  

Update:  I moved to my own place in June.  She left in August.  The dirty broad only had a high school education, which should have disqualified her from even being considered for the job.  She said she was going to Canada to attend university, but she probably dropped out after the first semester because I heard from a mutual connection that she was having a lot of difficulty coping with the courses.  #Schadenfreude

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