Monday, March 30, 2020

Names for my Antagonizers

Since my role at the current JHS is so minimal (which sort of makes up for very busy, hectic days at the elementary schools), I have plenty of time to think when I’m there. One of the things I do to kill the boredom is to come up with names for my three antagonizers. 

The vice principal has a huge belly that juts out. When he stands sideways he looks like an uppercase letter D. One of the co-teachers is wrinkled and scrawny, yet always on a diet. The other one is the perfect example of how someone can be both silent and hostile. Which is actually preferable because she has a shrill voice that grates the nerves.

Here’s what I’ve come up with:

Jabba & his Harpies
Las Tres Viejas Amargadas
The Three Mean Girls
The Wicked Witch of the East and her Monkeys
Haggis & the Hags
El Gordo, la Flaca y la Odiosa
El Panzón y sus Brujas
Skeletora & her Lackeys
The Liar, the Bitch & the Warthog
The Battle-ax, the Crone and the Shrew
The Horrid Harridans


My boss met with my two insufferable co-teachers yesterday. Afterwards, in the car, she said, “They are old women who do things old fashion Japanese way.” If someone in her 70s calls a pair of 50-somethings old and old fashioned, you KNOW they must be some miserable broads. 

January 9, 2020

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