Monday, March 30, 2020

Black Curl Magic

In the mornings I wake up with just enough time to do a quick devotional, shower, dress & eat. So I often untwist, re-twist or just tidy up my hair on the way to school. Several of my students ride the same bus. They are usually looking dazed and sleepy, but it seems one of my ninth-graders has been paying attention. Apparently she has been chronicling her discoveries about my hair in her homeroom journal. 

Her homeroom teacher said, "Ririko is watching you." I didn't understand what he meant, so he read an entry from two weeks ago which said something like, "Guaria-sensei braided her hair on the bus this morning. When she finished, she let them go and they did not come undone! How is that possible?"

Maybe I'll explain to her how kinky-curly hair works or maybe I'll just let her believe that I have magical hair. 

September 27, 2017

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