Thursday, April 30, 2020

Adam Was a Filthy Man & Robert Mugabe Leads Bible Study

Adam Was a Filthy Man Who Stepped on His Wife

The international church I attend in Tokyo did service on Zoom, as usual, but this time the sermon was preached by guest minister, Pastor Urashima.  In the sermon he mentioned Adam’s reaction when God asked him why he had eaten fruit from the forbidden tree   (Genesis 3:11-12).  “What a filthy man!  God asks him a question and he immediately steps on his wife and blames her!”  SO glad I wasn’t listening in person, because, when I heard that part, I hollered!  Maybe it was a combination of his accent and choice of words, but I thought it was hilarious.    

Robert Mugabe Leads an Online Bible Study

My friend posted a Bible study video from her church.  I watched a few minutes of it, then had to stop.  There was nothing wrong with lesson itself, it’s just that the pastor/elder/deacon or whoever the man was leading the lesson was the spitting image of Robert Mugabe.  I was laughing too hard to hear anything he had to say. 

I might be enjoying some of these online church services too much, and for the wrong reasons.  When the COVID-19 crisis finally ends, I won’t know how to act in church.  Sitting here laughing at all the wrong things.  I don’t even feel bad about it, either.  This isolation stuff can be a downer.  And it rained all day today, too.  Might as well get a few laughs in to keep the depression away. 

And one of the people who attended last week’s online service went by the user name”Sexxy M.” I have questions for her...
18 April 2020   

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