Thursday, April 30, 2020

What is an English Village?

An English village is a sort of an English camp that people (usually kids) go away to for anywhere from one to four weeks.  It's set up like a North American college campus.  There are dorms, several classroom buildings, a gymnasium, cafeteria, administrative building, etc.  They get intensive English instruction concentrating on listening, speaking and reading.  Even electives like crafts, cooking and recreation are conducted in English.  The concept was originally created to give students a chance to participate in an immersion program without having to fly out to Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the Philippines, the U.K., U.S., or whatever other country people ship their kids off to for English language learning. 

Sometimes university students came for a few weeks.  A couple branches of the military also sent cadets and officers to do language learning. 

There are several English villages around Korea.  I taught at a larger one.  At the time, there were about 30 teachers from AU, CN, IE, NZ, SA, UK, and US.  There were also about a dozen Korean teachers. 

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