Sunday, April 12, 2020

Missed Opportunities

Saw a young African woman at Kaldi while I was trying to decide whether or not to buy an overpriced bag of tortilla chips.  I purposely passed by her so I could say hello.  She was wearing a mask, so I couldn’t see her expression, but she nodded.  A few minutes later we almost bumped into each other and we both laughed.  Since I wasn’t buying anything, I left the store. I regretted not having stopped to chat with her.  I rarely ever see Black women in my city.  Missed opportunity.   


I’d been writing at home all of spring break, so I rode to the public library for a change in view (and to enjoy the sunny day).  It was closed, and had been for three weeks already.  Behind me, I heard tapping and turned to see a middle aged man with a long, white cane.  I moved out of his path.  He went to the automatic door, tapped it, turned around and walked away.  Soon after, I kicked myself.  I should have spoken to him.  Don’t know what kind of conversation we would have had, but it was another missed opportunity.  He probably wouldn’t have acted weird the way most sighted Japanese people do when they encounter a foreigner.  Maybe I’ll see him again around town. 

I have to be more proactive about talking to people.  Have I become less sociable after just two weeks of staying home?   Had it not been for COVID-19, I would've been in Korea over-socializing.  Instead, I'm having an involuntary stay-cation.

April 6, 2020

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