Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Last Day at School B

My work day ends at 4:10, but I always leave ten or fifteen minutes later.  Don’t want to seem in a rush to leave school, especially since the other teachers stay much later.  I get my timesheet stamped by Kyoto-sensei.  Back at my desk, I put on my jacket and backpack, grab my lunch bag and go to Kocho-sensei’s office. “Osakini shitsurei shimasu,” I say, bowing.  “Otsukaresama deshita,” he responds.  Then I add, “Osewa ni nari mashita.”  So he asks, “April?”  I answer that no, I won’t return in April because the Board of Education is changing the company that dispatches teachers to that school.  “Kyo…lasto day…?”  Yes, today is my last day.  I thank him and bow a few more times.  He bows back deeply.  There’s nothing more to say, so I walk out of his office and he follows me out. 

I choose to stand at a spot where everyone can see me and say “Osakini shitsurei shimasu.”  My co-workers all automatically respond with “Otsukaresama deshita.”  Then Kocho-sensei steps forward and announces that it’s my last day.  I won’t be returning after spring break.  The staff stand and clap.  Wasn’t expecting a standing ovation.  I don’t know what to do.  When the clapping stops, they look at me expectantly.  I say, “Thank you very much.  I have enjoyed working here.”  They clap again. 

Shimizu-sensei, one of the third grade teachers, clutches his chest with both hand then reaches them out in my direction.  I smile and bow to him.  Then he repeats the clutching and reaching.  I’d observed that he is a bit of a jokester, but I wonder if there’s more to his gesture.  You see, the only Blasian student in the entire school is in his homeroom.  I wonder if this was his way of wordlessly conveying that he appreciated my presence in his classroom especially because of the one little brown skinned girl.  I’ll never know for sure.  I thank everyone again, bow, say goodbye and leave the staff room.  I put my indoor shoes in a cloth drawstring bag and into my backpack.  My shoe locker, labeled ALT, now sits empty waiting my successor’s shoes. 

Outside I am happy to note that it is neither as windy nor chilly as the morning had been.  I mount my bicycle, and as I ride past Usagi and Ori-dori’s houses one last time, I am overcome with emotion.  My eyes sting as I pull open the heavy, iron gate.  I blink back tears as I pedal away.  The sunny road ahead of me is blurred.  I’d only been at School B for seven months, but I was going to miss being there with its students and staff.  Schools B & C had become places of respite during the months of constant toxicity at School A.  Places that ensured that I did not lose my joy for teaching.  Where I could breathe and smile.  Where I could feel useful and valued.  Where I could laugh unselfconsciously with students and staff.  

It was not a secret that I was leaving.  In fact, had anyone asked me, I would have told them.  Kano-sensei had asked and I’d told her.  I figured she would have run and told the others, but I guess not.  I felt bad that everyone including Kocho-sensei, found out at the last minute, but then, it was not for me to announce that I wouldn’t be returning in April.  I’m sure that they felt bad that they didn’t do a proper little goodbye ceremony with flowers, speeches and a gift, but I don’t mind that part.  When I came in August, they didn’t know I was coming, then I left without them knowing that I was leaving.


Kyoto-sensei = vice-principal

Kocho-sensei = principal

Osakini shitsurei shimasu = I’m leaving before you.  

Otsukaresama deshita = Thank you for your hard work.

Osewa ni nari mashita = Thank you for taking care of me. 

March 25, 2020

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