Sunday, April 19, 2020

Korean on the Brain

When I shop, I purposely avoid purchasing clothing that requires dry cleaning because, in the long run, those garments end up being much more expensive than originally bargained for.  So, aside from a few special items, the only things I take to the dry cleaners are coats and jackets about twice a year.  Well, now that I’m hooked on Kdramas, I’ve been really itching to go and visit Ms. Kim who owns the dry cleaner near my house (I know it sounds cliché, but it’s the truth).  She’s really friendly and I’m sure we would have a good conversation about my newfound obsession, but I have nothing that requires cleaning right now.  What to do?  Oh, wait, I might be able to find something that needs alterations.  Let me go check the closet…     

The other day I even thought (very briefly) about visiting the Korean Baptist church down the road from where I live, but decided that that would be a little too weird and creepy. 

Am I losing my mind?  Don’t answer that.  

[Edited to add:  I joined a Korean culture meetup group in the DMV.  They were a great outlet to discuss Kpop & Kdramas, and practice Korean.  It also kept things balanced, so they did not become an obsession.]

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