Sunday, April 19, 2020


Sesaengs (extreme Korean fans) are so obsessive.  They act as if they own their idols.  Not all of them are in the 14-25 age range, either.  Some are grown-ass adults.  They need to get a life.  Even regular fans are too much.  Don’t you dare ever criticize a beloved idol because their fans will come after you.  I’ve seen it on comment sections of Kpop videos.  It’s almost laughable how rabidly loyal they are to someone who is essentially a stranger with a well-crafted public persona. 

So many Korean celebrities hide the fact that they’re dating or married, not so much for privacy’s sake, but because the moment they announce their engagement or a new romantic partner, they lose thousands of fans.  It’s insane.  As if any of their fans had a chance with him.  A true (read, sane) fan would be happy that their idol has found love, but that’s not how their minds work.  And when fans turn against you, it can get really ugly.  They’ll spread nasty rumors all over the internet, dox idols, stalk and attack them, demand that idols commit suicide.   Straight up gangster criminal behavior.  

That’s how I once scored a Rain CD.  I was in my Korean friend’s car looking through her CDs, came across a Rain album and asked if we could listen to it.  She said, “You can have it.  He’s dating that ugly actress now.”  She’s a middle aged divorcée with two teenaged kids.  I’m pretty sure Rain wouldn’t be interested in her.  Yet, still, she was holding on to that fantasy until it was shattered by his new girlfriend.  Okay…

So many Korean celebrities hide the fact that they’re dating or married, not so much for privacy’s sake, but because the moment they announce their engagement or a new romantic partner, they lose thousands of fans.  It’s insane.  As if any of their fans had a chance with him.  A true (read, sane) fan would be happy that their idol has found love, but that’s not how their minds work.  And when fans turn against you, it can really get ugly.  They become anti-fans, which are a celebrity’s worst nightmare. They’ll spread nasty rumors all over the internet, dox idols, stalk and attack them, demand that idols commit suicide.   Straight up gangster criminal behavior. 

Many fangirls often ship gay relationships for their idols because that means that they won’t be dating any other women (their rivals).  That is completely warped and on the verge of mentally ill.  Possessiveness is unattractive and unhealthy in any relationship, but being possessive of someone you’ve never met is a whole other level of crazy. Ironically, if an idol were to come out as gay, fans still wouldn’t be happy.  I can’t even begin to imagine the backlash. 

Check out what Wikipedia has to say about sesaengs & anti-fans:

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