Sunday, April 12, 2020

How to Stress Out a Japanese Person

Want to stress out a Japanese person?  Ask them “Why?”  Japanese people are accustomed to taking directives unquestioningly.  Westerners are not.  When they make certain statements or tell you to do something, ask why.  Watch them come up with the most preposterous, illogical bullshit reasons.

Method Number Two:  Next time they give you a bullshit excuse or reason, refute it with facts or logic.  They will come up with several others.  Refute those too.  Watch them sweat. 

I don’t do this to be a troll.  I genuinely want to know why things are done in a certain manner, or the thought process behind certain statements.  They’re just not used to having to explain things that they’ve always accept unthinkingly, probably a remnant from when the country was under authoritarian rule. 

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