Thursday, April 30, 2020

Samsung Madness at English Village

January 6:  Samsung has sent its employees’ children to the English Village for two weeks.  ‘Alice’ is running around like a headless chicken because the company is making nonsensical demands like making Amalani and Albert switch classrooms because they want the higher level kids to be on the second floor.

January 7:  Had to figure out reading class at lunch and switch math with reading because ‘Alice’ neglected to tell me that a) there was a daily reading class and b) I needed to prepare my own materials for it.  She did however, spend an excessive amount of time explaining the “rolling paper” which is insignificant. 

Samsung switched out all the textbooks.  The new ones were identical to the old ones--the only difference: the front cover says ‘Samsung’ instead of a photo of the English Village campus.  They have money to burn. 

January 8:  Went for my medical check.  HorseYear from the headquarters building told me that I needed ₩20,000. So that’s what I took.  The cost turned out to be ₩84,000.   He ended up having to use his credit card, and I’d reimburse him later. 

Bill told my classes that I had gone to the hospital.  Upon returning, several rushed up to me asking, “Teacher are you okay?  Are you sick?”  Then later, one kid said “Teacher, Albert said you died!”  


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