Sunday, April 12, 2020

De-junking the English Room

The English Room at School B is the junk room.  It’s full of crap that does not belong despite there being a storage room on every floor, the closest one being three steps away diagonally across the hall.  Since I had a lighter teaching load in March, I went about cleaning it out.  Here’s a list of items that I got rid of: 

Small portable pet box (the type used for a turtle or gerbil)

Stack of health pamphlets

Stack of Japanese reading books

Stack of social studies books from 2005

2 boxes of clocks for learning how to tell time

6 half-used boxes of long calligraphy paper (dated 2011)

3 boxes of Uta-garuta poetry card game

4 large tape dispensers

3 boxes of 5th & 6th grade standardized tests from 2015 & 2017

Library book

Box of Othello & Twister games

Box of cloth covers for fans

One rusty folding chair  


The following items stayed because they can be useful to English class:

English textbooks

English story books

Tons of flash cards

Dry-Erase slates

Copy paper (white & colored, size A4 & B4)

Play money (USD) 

Colored markers



Picture dictionaries

4 large Japanese dictionaries

Basket of CDs (kid’s songs & stories)

3 CD players

VCR and one VHS tape

Collection of rulers left by a math teacher

Stack of cleaning cloths

March 2020

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