Saturday, April 18, 2020

Last Day at School C

Takeuchi-sensei, the first grade teacher, announced that today was my last day.  Nakada-sensei came forward holding a bouquet of flowers and made a speech in Japanese, and said a few words in English [I’m studying Japanese, because of me students looked forward to English class, etc.].

I gave my little speech:

I enjoyed working at School C.  I had a wonderful time with the students from first to sixth grade.  Thanks to all of you for a good experience.  Thank you to Kyoto-sensei and Kocho-sensei for making me comfortable.  I will leave with good memories.  O sewa ni narimashita.  Domo arigato gozaimasu.  

I bowed deeply and they clapped.  Kocho-sensei gave a speech tanking me for seven months of work, then moved on to the next item on the agenda, which was to announce which staff members are transferring to other schools and the names and ages (!) of their replacements.  Among those leaving are: 

the nurse

Kobayashi 2

Haramaki 3

Nakada 4

Negishi 5


March 26, 2020

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