Thursday, April 30, 2020

Sexism in the Classroom

The sixth grade home room teacher at School C only calls on the boys.  He asked about six questions and didn’t once call on the girls who had their hands up.  Many teachers only call on the ‘smart’ kids to ensure that the question they’ve asked will get a correct answer, but I’d never seen anything like this before.  It’s one thing to encounter this sort of thing in a rural area where people’s way of thinking is still very traditional and provincial, but in a city?  I’m surprised the girls still even bother to raise their hands.  Maybe they haven’t yet noticed that he only calls on boys.

He’s about 30 years old. 

When given the chance to call on students, I always make it a point to call on a girl, then on a boy, then on a girl, and so on.  Hopefully, somebody noticed.  


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