Thursday, April 30, 2020

Mystery Man

On November 29, 2015 I wrote the following in my journal:

I dreampt that I’d kissed him, so I had to make a list to remind myself not to get fixated on him. 

1.  He’s judgmental of those battling substance abuse.

2.  He’s uncomfortable talking about sexual topics.

3.  He has a very cut-and-dry, black-and-white view of life.

4.  He has made multiple jokes about women submitting.

5.  He speaks derisively about Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses.

6.  He has a very unhealthy lifestyle and no apparent desire for betterment.

7.  My continuing uncertainty about his sexual orientation

8.  Our age difference

9.  He mentions the Bible a lot (gave me flashbacks of my exes M & S).

I cannot, for the life of me, remember who this was about.  I’ve wracked my brain, and can only conclude that it was someone I knew in the U.S. before I’d moved to Korea. 

So, there’s a sexually repressed, possible gay, unhealthy eating, non-exercising, sexist

Bible thumper, who is intolerant of other religions, is ten years younger or older, doesn’t believe in grey areas, and is insensitive to people with substance addictions, who used to talk to me years ago.  My thirsty sub-conscience dredged him up for a kiss, I awoke and jumped out of bed to write a list to ensure that I wouldn’t give him a chance in the future. Whew!  Whoever he is, I’ve since completely blocked him out of my mind because nobody I can think of fits this description completely. There is one man who almost fits them all, but he exercises, and I don’t recall questioning his sexuality.

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