Thursday, April 30, 2020

Journal Excerpts From 09/2012, part 2

September 18:   Rudeness at the Store & Doing Business With the Seamstress

Tried to buy index cards at the grocery store, but the stationery section was closed.  A halmoni cut me in line all pressed to pay for two packs of gum.  Was she having a halitosis emergency?  I was just as annoyed at the cashier for taking her when I was standing right there.  I left my two items on the belt and I walked out of the store.  Went and bought some at Daiso where the service is great.  It’s run by an older couple and their son. 

Went to the seamstress at Jemulpo Station underground to get a hole in the navy Mizrahi dress (thanks, Charlene!) fixed.  She was friendly and unbothered by the language barrier.  The ajumma who she took ahead of me apologized several times and complimented my hair ((after asking if it was a perm).  The seamstress gave me what I thought was a root to chew on.  When I put it in my mouth I realized it was dried fish and I discreetly put it in my backpack.  As soon as I got outside I threw it away.

Went back home, got the orange sarong and my black fish print tunic.  Returned to the seamstress.  Had her mend a tear in my flower print summer dress.  Then gave her the sarong and tunic.  She knew what I wanted.  It will cost ₩20,000 because she’ll have to create a pattern.  It will be ready on Friday. 

Gave Elvis, my co-worker, two dresses and a blouse.  He’s collecting clothes for a project in RSA.  Ten hours after I had had the squid leg in my backpack my shawl and other stuff still smell of it.  ¡Ufa!

September 20:   Horny Ajeosshi

My 8 pm class is all men from the same company.  They’re all married and in their 30s and 40s, so Martha and Amanda refer to it as my ajeosshi class.  During today’s class I was running out of steam, so I pulled up a stool to do the speaking drills.  ‘Smith,’ who was sitting near me said something I didn’t understand, so I asked him to repeat.  Turns out he had said “Sharon Stone” referring to her famous scene in the movie Basic Instinct.  I was wearing a brown, ankle-length linen dress.  How did the horny bastard come up with that image based on how I was dressed? 

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