Sunday, April 19, 2020

Random Short Posts

What was the best book you read in 2011?

Girl in Translation by Ann Kwan

Mourning What was Left on the Cutting Room Floor

Rumor has it that the kiss between Raizo and Mika in the film Ninja Assassin was cut because people were not ready for a Blasian coupling at the time.  The ladies over at the Blasian Narrative are very upset about it.  They might just self-combust if they see Rain’s kissing scenes from the film I Am Cyborg… (starting at 1:13) and the drama A Love to Kill [kissing video no longer available]  There will be much gnashing of teeth over what could have been. 

Marriage Advice from AskAKorean

When I was about to get married, my aunt -- one of the wisest persons I know -- gave me this advice, which I now give to all my friends who are close to getting married: "Make a list of things you absolutely cannot let go. Important, petty, it doesn't matter. After you have that list, give up on everything else." For me, the list included books, video games, poker, sports on TV and driving to work. And though it may be still early, my marriage is going swell.

Re:  KTown Cowboys Web Series

The norebang episode had my straight up hollering.  I was watching it at four in the morning, though, and possibly woke up my neighbors.  Sorry!

Also, I was so not feeling Peter Jae’s character until he broke out with the Lionel Richie.

What’s Up With These Massive Kpop Groups? 

Five should be the limit.  After that you’re a choir/dance troupe.   I refuse to pay any attention to these massive groups.  It’s members are obviously good-looking and seen talented, but the group sizes just make no sense.  I kind of understand why they exist, but still.  It’s too much!

Super Junior should change its name to The Korean Young Men’s Dancing Choir

Girl Generation should change its name to The Korean Chorus Line

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