Sunday, April 19, 2020

Kissing Korean

I’ve discovered a disconcerting trend in Kdramas, so I’ve written this open letter to Korean men:  Just wanted to let you know that if we ever fall in love, things are going to be a little different than what you’re used to.  For starters, don’t even think of doing that wrist-grab move on me.  It’s not cute, and I will slug you if you do.  Second, if you kiss me and/or hug me, don’t be shocked when I kiss and hug you back.  Where I’m from, these activities are reciprocal, not one-sided.  Oh, and it’s creepy to keep your eyes open during a kiss, so close them when our lips meet (but not ten seconds before...that’s weird).  

I honestly don’t know if it’s a cultural thing or just the fault of daft drama directors, but that’s not how we roll in the rest of the world.  So if you ever get the urge to taste a bit of international flavor, take these things into consideration.  Gomopda.  

[Edited to add:  I'm fairly certain that it's the daft drama directors.]

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