Friday, April 17, 2020

Suicide and Mental Health

I’m on the train to Tokyo.  It has been sitting at one station for more than 30 minutes.  Some sort of accident is causing the delay…probably a suicide.  I miss church service all together and arrive in the middle of lunch.

In Korea they jump off bridges.  Here they jump in front of trains.  Unfortunately, many people don’t have basic coping skills, and seeking or even admitting to needing mental help is considered shameful.  Very 1950s way of thinking. 

Last year I had a student struggling with depression & anxiety issues.  Would you believe that one of the villagers said to me “I heard one of your students has depression.”  As if a child’s mental health issues are something to gossip about.  It also angered me that someone on staff shared confidential info about a student.  Especially when many people generalize all mental health problems as being crazy or weak-willed. 

Kyla thinks that the root issue for all this suicide could be that they have no concept of faith or a God who loves them more than they can imagine.  That might be true in Japan, but many Koreans are believers in some sort of religion, Eastern or Western.  Another contributor is the intense pressure from all sides to succeed with zero tolerance or room for failure.  Also, this is a society where shame or loss of face is the worst thing that could happen.  In the West people say “I was so embarrassed, I could die!”  Well, here, they actually do.  Another factor is that most people don’t think in terms of having a Plan B or C, so when things don’t work out according to plan, suicide is a viable alternative because your life is over anyway.

There are countless stories about people who kill themselves after a breakup with their girlfriend or boyfriend.  That I don’t understand.  It’s not as if that person was the last one left on earth.  You can date someone new.  Then there’s the woman who killed herself when her beloved dog died.  Dogs have a short life span compared to humans.  She should’ve known this was going to happen eventually.  I’ve had three dogs and two cats die in my lifetime.  You can get another dog.  In this particular case, I believe she must have had mental issues.   

A couple years ago a well-known Korean news reader broke up with her boyfriend.  She sent him text messages begging him to come back to her.  The jerk made the texts public.  So she jumped off the roof of her apartment building.  Most Westerners in that situation would have simply ridden out the embarrassing incident knowing that people would forget about it in a week or two.  But use a permanent solution for a temporary problem, and you can’t undo it. 

June 8, 2019

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